Unpub PreView: Rolling for Amusement

Unpub Previews allow the designers to let us look deeper into games involved in the Unpub Network...Rolling for Amusment, designed by Garrett Herdter, is highly interactive press your luck game with a hand management angle that feels fresh and strategic. ...And it's about building an amusement park with dice.

Let's hear more about Rolling for Amusment from Garrett...

What was your inspiration for Rolling for Amusment? I really enjoy dice games, especially those like Zombie Dice, Martian Dice, Can't Stop and Farkle. I wanted to take the push your luck element to the dice rolling game and include player interaction.

What is your favorite part of Rolling for Amusment?  The choices that the player needs to make as they play their cards. I also love the "Take That" element!

To your knowledge, what do other people find most interesting about Rolling for Amusment? The choices player's must make in playing their cards. There are 4 parts to every card and you may only use one part per card.

What has been the most challenging part of designing Rolling for Amusment? - Getting the special abilities on the cards balanced.

What advice would you give to players attempting Rolling for Amusment for the first time? Do not take it personally when someone undermines you. Just keep it in mind when it's their turn next and mess with them!

What has surprised you most in play-tests of Rolling for Amusment?  That my wife liked it! What surprises me even more was that she requests to play it!

People who like________ will like Rolling for Amusment. Why? Dice games and messing with other players. " Nuff said!"

Tell us anything else you want to say about Rolling for Amusment that I haven't asked or you haven't said already. I have had so much fun designing this game and playing it.

For more information on Rolling for Amusment  and to see where you can play it next, check out the game's page here on Unpub.net.


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