Unpub 3View: Crossing Swords

As we move towards Unpub 3 we've been previewing games that are scheduled to appear at the big show.

Earlier in this series we took a look at Knot Dice, from designer Matthew O'Malley  of  Black Oak Games.  Today we'll take a look at his other project, Crossing Swords, a speedy card combat game.

Crossing Swords claims nothing less than replicating the feel of a fencing duel. I think that sounds like a pretty cool concept. Let's hear what Matthew O'Malley has to say about the progress of this design in our Unpub 3View...

What was your inspiration for Crossing SwordsI've played a lot of sword-fighting dueling games, and while some of them captured the fun of movie duels, I didn't feel like any of them captured the adrenalin rush as well. That's what inspired me to come up with Crossing Swords.

What is your favorite part of Crossing Swords?  I really enjoy watching two people play who really get into the roles, talking to each other in character and getting that adrenalin rush.

To your knowledge, What do other people find most interesting about Crossing Swords? I think people like the moments of intense pressure interspersed with the pauses between exchanges that make it feel like a movie duel.

What has been the most challenging part of designing Crossing Swords?  It's been tough trying to balance how much thought is required for each play with the speed of play, and make sure it can be interesting to players of different abilities. It's also hard trying to figure out how many actual fencing moves can be included or how much it needs to be simplified for the sake of the game.

What advice would you give to players attempting Crossing Swords for the first time?  Take your time. You will lose the first games you play, because it is a game you have to develop skill in to win. It is better to lose and play correctly, than try to speed through at first and never learn it well.

What has surprised you most in play-tests of Crossing Swords?  What surprised me was the amount of thought and attention that needs to be given to a game that has very few different kinds of cards.

People who like___________ will like Crossing Swords. Why?   En Garde, Speed, Pounce, Egyptian Rat Screw, Dutch Blitz

What do you hope to accomplish at Unpub 3? I hope to get a lot more play-testing done with a wider audience to gauge interest as well as possible changes that might improve the game.

Tell us anything else you want to say about Crossing Swords that I haven't asked or you haven't said already.  Each player has a character card and a few unique moves, but otherwise the flavor of the game is really up to the graphics and the players to bring to the table. Text is limited on the cards, because there isn't enough time to read a card's description before you have to play it. I will be working with a fantastic artist to put that together, but it probably won't be ready by Unpub 3.

Check out the Crossing Swords page on Unpub.net.

Find out more about the 62 other games coming to Unpub3!