Unpub 3View: Bigfoot Blitz

As we approach Unpub 3 we’re featuring many of the games being presented at the big event. Today we’re taking a look at Bigfoot Blitz by designer Stephen Davies.

It's no secret I love alliteration, so the title had me at the double B's (Bigfoot Blitz.) Plus it just sounds like fun. I'm glad we get a chance to learn more about this FUN light card and dice game with hand management, card drafting, set collection and  a discard-to-vote on the victory conditions mechanic.

Stephen Davies highly original themed game gives players the chance to be a bigfoot who is trying to be the first to be “discovered” by collecting news articles about yourself from various sections of the newspaper. The object of Bigfoot Blitz is to collect a variety of these articles to become a certain type of celebrity. The type of celebrity that will ultimately win will change often through influence the players exert on goal-defining “Front Page” cards.

Let's hear what Stephen has to say about the creation and development of Bigfoot Blitz before the hilarity gets to ensue next weekend at Unpub 3!

What was your inspiration for Bigfoot Blitz? I really enjoy games that I can throw in a backpack and play while camping or travelling and I wanted to create one in that vein. The bigfoot-as-celebrity theme came from the cynical side of me that wants to poke fun at the idea of chasing fame and trying to create this superhuman persona for yourself - even if you are (in actuality) a filthy, base creature. It’s the kind of game I’d want to play out in the woods, something that reminds you how silly society can be.

What is your favorite part of Bigfoot Blitz? I like how the more strategic players tend to win, but there’s just enough luck involved where you’re never really out of it, and you can pull off a win even if you’re a new player. I think that’s important for a light game to have, and makes it more accessible. When I introduce it to new players I never get the sense that they feel like they are giving up, even if they’re behind.

To your knowledge, What do other people find most interesting about Bigfoot Blitz? I’ve found people to find the discarding-to-vote aspect the most interesting. When you discard you have the option of influencing what the next winning conditions will be, so there’s more of a strategy to discarding than simply getting rid of unwanted cards and freeing up space in your hand.

What has been the most challenging part of designing Bigfoot Blitz? Cutting what needs to be cut. I’ve been tinkering with the game for a while and gone down a few different roads with it. It’s hard to look at the time you’ve invested in a certain part of the game and throw it away, even if it’s for the overall good of the game.

What advice would you give to players attempting Bigfoot Blitz for the first time? Pay attention to what everyone is building up to. Don’t get tunnel vision and only pay attention to your own hand. Also, don’t try and match your set of cards to every Front Page (victory condition card) that comes up. Pick your battles.

What has surprised you most in play-tests of Bigfoot Blitz?  How quick people are to grasp it. People seem to pick it up easier than I thought they might.

People who like___________ will like Bigfoot Blitz. Why? Dare I say it? Fluxx. BUT! People who are put off by Fluxx’s fluxxiness may still enjoy this game. It’s less chaotic, and more tactical in the sense that you have the option of exerting more influence on the victory conditions. It’s a similar length and heaviness, though.

What do you hope to accomplish at  Unpub 3? - This will be its first large-scale playtest, so I’m just hoping for some constructive feedback and to have fun!

Check out the Bigfoot Blitz page on Unpub.net!

Find out more about the other 64 Games coming to Unpub 3!