Unpub 3View: Compounded

It's time to continue our series of 3Views as we head towards Unpub 3 in just about 18 days. Today we're going to look at Darrell Louder's Compounded (coming soon from Dice Hate Me Games,) the very definition of Unpub game!

Those of you unfamiliar with the story (and by now there shouldn't be too many,) Darrell created Compounded in the 7 days leading up to the very first Unpub event. He didn't want the event to fail, so decided to bring something to the table and Compounded was born. He brought it back to Unpub2 where it gained many new fans and a publisher. This year, as the game begins it's journey towards towards physical printing, he's putting it on the Unpub 3 tables for final tweaks and buzz gathering.

Compounded   is a game about building chemical compounds through careful management of elements, a fair bit of social play and trading, and just a bit of luck. In Compounded, players take on the roles of lab managers, hastily competing to complete the most compounds before they are completed by others – or destroyed in an explosion. Some compounds are flammable and will grow more and more volatile over time; take too long to gather the necessary elements for those compounds and a lot of hard work will soon be scattered across the lab.

The game is a mixture of chit pulling, unconventional worker placement, dynamic social interaction, engine building, area control and fun.

Designer Darrell Louder took the moment to fill out our 3View survey. Let's hear what the lead scientist had to say...

What is your favorite part of Compounded? Chemical Reactions
                                                                                                                                To your knowledge, What do other people find most interesting about Compounded?  Social interaction and the unique play style
                                                                                                                                What has been the most challenging part of designing Compounded?  finding time to work on the game. 🙂
                                                                                                                                What advice would you give to players attempting Compounded for the first time? Don't trade Kirkman! No matter how good the deal sounds, you're playing into his hand!!
                                                                                                                                            What has surprised you most in play-tests of your game?  How quickly people grasp the game.

                                                                                                                                            People who like___________ will like this game. Why?   People who like social games, but also like to be devious will love this game.

What do you hope to accomplish at Unpub 3?  Have someone tattoo the Compounded logo on their person- OR to just have as many play it as possible- then back it on KickStarter!

Tell us anything else you want to say about the game that I haven't asked or you haven't said already.  Compounded will launch on KickStarter January 18 at 12:01am! So come to Unpub 3 and try it before you buy it!

Take a look at the Compounded page for more photos and information about this game!

Go to the Compounded BGG page, Fan it. Thumb it. Love it.