Unpub 3View: Knot Dice

As we head towards Unpub 3, I’m going to start previewing the games people will experience at the event.

One of two games coming to Unpub 3 by designer Matthew O'Malley of  Black Oak Games who is appearing in an Unpub event for the first time, is Knot Dice.

Knot Dice is not just an abstract dice -laying game, it's a game system that lets you play a number of games by connecting Celtic knot design elements on over-sized dice. While this isn't the first "game system" we've had in the Unpub Network, it's the first that relies on dice and not cards. This brings an added level of uniqueness to the concept and we're really looking forward to seeing it in action.

Matthew took the time to fill out the Unpub 3View for Knot Dice, so let's find out a little more about this one...

What was your inspiration for Knot Dice? Celtic knotwork, specifically the Book of Kells, was my inspiration. I created a Celtic Knots game for mobile devices first, but I wanted to come up with something more tactile. This was the result, after several very different concepts.

What is your favorite part of Knot Dice? My favorite part of the game is the look and feel of the dice, and the huge variety of designs that can be created each game.

To your knowledge, What do other people find most interesting about Knot Dice?  The custom dice. People love to just sit and play with them, before, during, or after a game.

What has been the most challenging part of designing Knot Dice?  Figuring out how to get it manufactured for a reasonable cost (there re 40 over-sized custom dice in the game).

What advice would you give to players attempting Knot Dice for the first time? - Play the cooperative game first to learn how the dice fit together and how many of each kind is in the game.

What has surprised you most in play-tests of Knot Dice?  The breadth of interest in the game has surprised me. It appeals to the visually inclined, to the tile-layers, to the dice-rollers... I haven't run into anyone yet who really expressed a dislike for it. They may not like every game that comes with it, but they all want to play with the dice.

People who like___________ will like Knot Dice. Why?  Carcassonne, Metro, Tsuro, Octiles, Pipeline. Each of the games focuses on connecting the lines in Celtic knotwork, similar to a tile-laying game, but using dice.

What do you hope to accomplish at Unpub 3? - I want to solidify any remaining rules questions and spread the word about the game in order to launch a Kickstarter campaign in February.

Tell us anything else you want to say about Knot Dice that I haven't asked or you haven't said already. - I'll be launching a Kickstarter campaign for the game in February. You can read some of the rules, find out more about the game, or sign up for the mailing list at Black Oak Games .com!  

Read up on the 40 other games coming to Unpub 3!