Unpub Preview: Corpus

Let's take a deeper look at Corpus, which first appeared in the Unpub Program during the Valhalla's Gate Unpub Mini from 12pm to 8pm on Saturday May 11, 2013!

Designed by PJ Shearer, Corpus is an asymmetric board game for 3-9 players featuring placement and removal mechanics, faction specific strategies and unique win conditions.

PJ filled out our Unpub Preview Form, so let's hear more about Corpus...

What was your inspiration for Corpus?  My Sister-in-law, a chemistry teacher, challenged me to find a way to teach cellular mechanics to her students.

What is your favorite part of Corpus?  It is a both a competitive and a family game.

To your knowledge, what do other people find most interesting about Corpus?  The play style and the mechanics that make strategy games great often turn off casual gamers.  Strategy gamers like Corpus because the mental dexterity required to win keeps it challenging and casual players enjoy it because the rules are simple.

What has been the most challenging part of designing Corpus?  Play balance.

What advice would you give to players attempting Corpus for the first time?  Play all 9 factions.

What has surprised you most in play-tests of Corpus?  The diversity of players who enjoy it.

People who like Small World will like Corpus because like Small World, each faction has different strengths which you must capitalize on and provide many simple but impactful choices regarding token placement.  Also, like Small World, early sound strategy is rewarded but not completely decisive.  Players are often still in a game winning position right up until the last round.

What do you hope to accomplish at the  Valhalla's Gate Unpub Mini from12pm to 8pm on Saturday May 11, 2013?   To get lots of people to try several factions and get their feedback about which they prefer to play.

Tell us anything else you want to say about Corpus that I haven't asked or you haven't said already.   Say goodbye to luck, reflex and charm.  Say hello to Corpus.

Come play Corpus at the Valhalla's Gate Unpub Mini from12pm to 8pm on Saturday May 11, 2013!