Too Many Games Convention Notes!

Thanks go out to Jason Tagmire for inviting me to help judge a 24 hour game design competition at the Too Many Games Convention this past weekend in Oaks,Pennsylvania.

It was a really fun experience for me (despite being exhausted after a long week.) My girlfriend, Katherine, and I drove up on Sunday for the adventure. We were not disappointed.

She's a video gamer at heart and was really taken aback at all the merchandise that was available. I had to leave her alone a while to judge and she got herself involved in some board games! I'm so proud of her. She learned Kingsburg and taught it to me the next night at my FLGS. She also made a valuable connection with a game designer who may be attending the upcoming Unpub Mini at 7th Dimension Games!

As I mentioned, my reason for being there was to judge the Analog Game Jam that was being presented by the IGDA (International Game Developers Association.) I had a very good time doing this and played about 20 minutes of some really great and clever games that were less than 24 hours old. I can't say much about them or the people who created them (I don't really know the latter and the former is not up to me to share.) We have a great time (we being fellow judges Jason Tagmire, TC Petty III and myself,) and a really tough choice to make.

This event has really gotten my brain churning, which is a good thing!

I spent some time walking about the convention floor. It was primarily based in the video and digital gaming realm with a smattering of analog games thrown in. AEG was there and demoing. I understand that things were really jumping on Saturday (the main day of the con.) I missed that one.

It was a good experience and I may make the trip again next year if the schedule permits. We'll see.

Next up on our Con Schedule is WBC in August. More information on that soon!