Another Success Story!

We're pleased to announce, along with Nevermore Games, that they've officially picked up a game by Unpub participant Benjamin Rosset!

Ben's game The Market was presented at Unpub2 and at the Unpublished games event we co-hosted last summer at Games and Stuff in Glen Bernie, MD. Since then it has traveled to other cons and into the hands of a few publishers. It's been picked up by Nevermore Games, the gang behind the recently successful Chicken Caesar! 

Of course, a few things have changed since you have seen The Market, which is expected in the development process. One major change is the name and the theme. Today we're proud to announce the Market as a completely new property named:


Click the banner and visit Nevermore Games to find out more about this awesome game from a member of  Unpub Community!

Of course, if you'd like to see this game in person, Ben will be presenting at the Unpub Mini this Sunday at Labyrinth Games in Washington, DC! The event is from 11am-6pm and there'll be plenty of fun and games for everyone the entire day! See the event listing for more information on this Unpub Mini!

Great Job Ben!

Stay tuned for more information!