54-Card Game Design Challenge!

Dice Hate Me Games and Unpub want YOU… to design a game! The challenge? Create a fun, engaging game using only 54 cards and then put it in front of a bunch of strangers to see how you fared! Interested? Here are the details!
All contest submissions are due by the end of day Jan. 2, 2014. Please submit rules in PDF to chris@dicehateme.com before the due date (I suggest by Dec. 24, 2014) and request the DHMG HQ address to send physical prototypes. Prototypes can be in any playable form – anything from simple paper cutouts, stickered standard decks of cards, sleeved cards or even decks created using print-on-demand services. These do not have to be fancy – no points will be awarded for slick graphic design.
Only one entry per person is allowed. Send us your best!
All submitted game entries will be evaluated and judged by a group of local Durham, NC playtesters before Unpub 4 (www.unpub.net) in Dover, Delware on Jan. 18, 2014. The top six games will be played and judged at Unpub 4 by a group of playtesters to be determined. The game submission that garners the highest voting score will receive a FREE designer table at Unpub 5 as well as a publication contract with Dice Hate Me Games, to be included as part of a special Kickstarter campaign in Spring 2014 with two other 54-card games. These games will be produced domestically, and will be limited to 500 units. This will officially introduce the “Rabbit” line of Dice Hate Me Games, and the designer(s) of the best-received game of this group of three will have the option of a further publishing contract withDice Hate Me Games for a larger print run later in 2014.
Further guidelines for the project:
1) The game must be comprised of NO MORE than 54 cards. The game can incorporate fewer than 54 cards, but designers should bear in mind that this contest is not necessarily for a “mini-game”; the use of 54 cards offers the chance for a lot of depth-of-play, so design accordingly.
2) Rules should fit on a single 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of paper. The rules may be double-sided.
3) Cards MAY contain game information on both sides of the cards, essentially creating a 55- to 108-card deck. However, designers should bear in mind both the form and function of their designs – if the game is awkward to play just so you can fit more cards in the deck then it is ultimately not worth the risk.
4) Games should utilize minimal counters or components. Any possible counters or components to be used in the game should be something that is easily found in a typical household, such as loose change or, possibly, a six-sided die. Bear in mind that the final, published design will NOT include any additional components other than cards, so design accordingly.
5) Regarding themes – designers should consider themes with a “family first” mentality. No vulgar or pornographic themes will be accepted. A good rule of thumb is to bear in mind the typical themes that are produced by Dice Hate Me Games – approachable by a wide audience, yet rich with character. The final theme may be discussed and altered with the winner. However, designers are encouraged to think about how their theme is incorporated with the mechanics of the game. Judges’ points will be awarded accordingly.
6) Prototypes should not include any artwork or photos that have a copyright. Creative Commons License artwork is acceptable. Final artwork for the winning entry will be created/provided by Dice Hate Me Games, unless otherwised discussed and arranged with the designer.
7) Clones of other games are not allowed. For instance, a retheming of the classic card game “Hearts” would be automatically rejected. Utilizing classic mechanics such as trick taking or set collection is allowed, and new twists on old favorites is encouraged.
8) There is no minimal player count. Solo games are acceptable.
Any further questions should be directed to chris@dicehateme.com. Now get out there and create something awesome!
All the best,
Chris Kirkman
Would I be penalized for designing cards that are hexagonal?