Preview: Mars Needs Mechanics

I've been waiting a while to post this review. I'm really excited about this game and you should be too. Mars Needs Mechanics was designed by Benjamin Rosset and has been a part of no less than 5 Unpub events! It's a game we've had our eye on for over a year. We've seen it […]

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GenCon: The Unpub Perspective

Wow. Yes, it's taken me the whole week to get to the point where I could talk about  GenCon! I arrived in Indianapolis Friday afternoon. Prototypes were already being played all over the place. A lot of what I got to see was at the Game Salute Booth (2035) where every time I stopped by […]

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WBC Recap

Over the weekend I attended the World Board Gaming Championships in Lancaster, PA. This event is put on each year by the Boardgame Player's Association and is basically a week long gaming extravaganza. They run tournaments for 100 or so games and that's their main thing, but they have a beautiful open gaming room that […]

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