Games Keep
Date(s) - Saturday, March 4, 2017
1:00 pm - 10:00 pm
The Games Keep
Our Winter Unpub Mini will be 2 weeks before Unpub 7 on Saturday March 4 from 1-10pm at The Games Keep in West Chester, PA.
We will again have Tag Tables with times from 1-5pm and 6-10 pm, with a break inbetween for table turnover and dinner.
As we have always been lighter for play testers in the evening slot, I am asking that all designers make an effort to stay for as much of the day as possible. I am also asking that everyone bring at least 1 play tester with them so that all designers can get equal amounts of love during the event.
After signing up, you must email Ben (benjamin.begeal at gmail dot com) to confirm your table time slot.